organized A-Z
Vincent Bacote
Bacote’s mission is “speaking, writing, and coaching to cultivate faithful Christian witness in the world.” Among the themes in his thinking and writing are theology and public life, race, politics, and ethics.
Bacote is a Professor of Theology and the Director of the Center for Applied Christian Ethics at Wheaton College. He is a regular columnist for Comment Magazine. He is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Society of Christian Ethics. He is the author of The Political Disciple: A Theology of Public Life, The Spirit in Public Theology: Appropriating the Legacy of Abraham Kuyper, and Reckoning with Race and Performing the Good News.
Andy Crouch
Crouch is one of the most insightful, formative, hopeful, and challenging thinkers and writers in the American Church. “His writing [and speaking] explores faith, culture, and the image of God in the domains of technology, power, leadership, and the arts.”
There is no one place online that gathers his articles and talks — search for them and be on the lookout for them when they appear in a wide range of journals and speaking venues. His books include Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Calling, Playing God, Strong and Weak, The Tech-Wise Family, and The Life We’re Looking For.
Crouch is partner for theology and culture at Praxis, a venture-building ecosystem advancing redemptive entrepreneurship.
Brad East
East writes at a fairly academic level but regularly with keen practical insights. His webpage will give you access to many of his articles. His interests are in the Christian doctrine of Scripture, the doctrine of the Church, the doctrine of the Trinity, as well as overlapping or offshoot topics such as theological hermeneutics, the sacraments, political philosophy, war and nonviolence, and technology.”
East teaches theology at Abilene Christian University
Justin Giboney
Cofounder and President of The AND Campaign, Giboney is an attorney and political strategist in Atlanta, Georgia. The AND Campaign is a coalition of urban Christians who are determined to address the sociopolitical arena with the compassion and conviction of the gospel. He’s the coauthor of Compassion (&) Conviction with fellow AND Campaign leader Chris Butler and former colleague Michael Wear.
Several of his presentations and interviews are available on YouTube.
Emily Polis Gibson
Barnstorming: Seeking Sanctuary in the Seasons of Life
Gibson is “a wife, mother, farmer and family physician living the rural life in northwest Washington state. She has been chronicling life on the farm, in the barn, and in the exam room for nearly two decades, though her emphasis has been on raising her family in faithful stewardship to God and to the land we call home for the time being.”
Barnstorming is Gibson’s personal blog featuring a mix of stories, personal essays, memoir, poetry, reflections, meditations, and photos (many of which have been published elsewhere).
Malcolm Guite
Guite is a poet-priest and Chaplain of Girton College Cambridge. He also plays in a Cambridge rock band, Mystery Train. He has published numerous books of poetry including Waiting on the Word, The Word in the Wilderness, and Lifting the Veil, as well as Mariner, a biography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Don’t miss his YouTube visits to his study
Margie & Denis Haack
the writings of Margie & Denis Haack
For many years the Haacks edited Critique magazine. Over many decades, they have sought to demonstrate and teach how historic biblical Christianity can be applied in life-giving ways to nurture wisdom and human flourishing.
Margie has penned a 3-part memoir: The Exact Place, No Place, and This Place. Dennis has authored The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All
John Inazu
Inazu’s scholarship focuses on the First Amendment freedoms of speech, assembly, and religion, and related questions of legal and political theory. His books include Confident Pluralism: Surviving and Thriving Through Deep Difference; Uncommon Ground: Living Faithfully in a World of Difference (co-edited with Tim Keller); and (forthcoming) Learning to Disagree: The Surprising Path to Navigating Differences with Empathy and Respect.
Inazu is Sally D. Danforth Distinguished Professor of Law & Religion and Professor of Political Science. He is also the founder of The Carver Project and the Legal Vocation Fellowship and is a Senior Fellow with Interfaith America, where he co-directs (with Eboo Patel) the Newbigin Fellows.
Substack (free)
Alan Jacobs
Jacobs is Distinguished Professor of Humanities in the Honors Program at Baylor University, and a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia.
Jacobs website will list the treasure trove of his writing as well as how you can subscribe to his blog. He is the author of many books including How to Think, Breaking Bread with the Dead, The Narnian, and Original Sin.
His newsletter is Snakes & Ladders
One of our favorites of his creations is The Gospel of the Trees
Tim Keller
Keller was the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. Redeemer in turn launched ministries that remain an influential model and valuable resource for Christians who endeavor to live faithfully for Christ in their families, communities, vocations, and creativity. Those ministries include Hope for the City and the Center for Faith and Work. Keller authored many books including The Meaning of Marriage (with Kathy Keller), The Reason for God, Every Good Endeavor, The Ministries of Mercy, and The Prodigal God.
Gospel in Life is the site where you can access Keller’s sermons and articles.
Esau Mccaulley
McCaulley is Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College. His writing and speaking focus on New Testament theology, African American Biblical interpretation, and Christian public theology. He is the author of How Far to the Promised Land, Reading While Black, and Lent: The Season of Repentance and Renewal. He is a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times
Jake Meador
Meador is the founder and editor of the online journal, Mere Orthodoxy, which “exists to be an outpost of sanity amidst the noise and tumult of our moment.” He is the author of What Are Christians For?: Life Together at the End of the World and In Search of the Common Good: Christian Fidelity in a Fractured World.
Meador “thinks and writes about place, politics, culture, and the ways that Christian faith speaks to all of the various questions that those topics raise.”
Meador’s website links to articles in addition to Mere Orthodoxy. Select “subscribe” to see subscription options as well as a listing of non-subscription articles available for viewing.
Alan Noble
Noble is Associate Professor of English at Oklahoma Baptist University and administrator for the online journal, Christ and Pop Culture. He is the author of On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden and Gift of Living, You Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Inhuman World, and Disruptive Witness: Speaking Truth in a Distracted Age.
The Pelican Project
Nourished by Christ, Serving the Church
“The Pelican Project is a guild of women fostering commitment to Christian faith and practice across cultural, denominational, and racial lines.”
Karen Swallow Prior
Prior is a reader, writer, and professor. “Her academic focus is British literature, with a specialty in the eighteenth century, a period she loves for its emphasis on philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, and community, as well as its efforts at correcting the universal human impulse to gravitate toward extremes.” She is a contributing editor for Comment, a founding member of The Pelican Project, a Senior Fellow at The Trinity Forum, and she contributes a monthly column for Religion News Service. She is the author of The Evangelical Imagination, On Reading Well, Booked: Literature in the Soul of Me, and Fierce Convictions: The Extraordinary Life of Hannah More.
Newsletter: The Priory
Lancia Smith
Cultivating Oaks Press
Cultivating Whole Lives Rooted in Christ – Flourishing in the Fellowship of Makers
Smith is “an author, photographer, publisher, and business owner. Founder and publisher of Cultivating Oaks Press, she is Executive Director of Cultivating Magazine and its fellowship of content creators, The Cultivating Project. With 42 years of sobriety, Lancia has done extensive support counseling for the bereaved, trauma and abuse survivors, and recovering addict and alcoholics. Throughout her own recovery process, Lancia has been privileged to mentor and disciple individuals looking for ways to experience a whole and recovered life, rooted in Christ.”
The Trinity Forum
Cherie Harder is the President of The Trinity Forum which “endeavors to cultivate, curate, and disseminate the best of Christian thought, to equip leaders to think, work, and lead wisely and well.” The heart of The Trinity Forum is a series of conversations that “seek to connect thinking leaders with leading thinkers in engaging the big questions of life and coming to better know the Author of the answers.”
Tish Harrison Warren
Warren is a priest in the Anglican Church in North America. She is s a columnist for Christianity Today and the NY Times. She is the author of Liturgy of the Ordinary, Prayer in the Night, and Advent: The Season of Hope. She is a founding member of The Pelican Project and a Senior Fellow with the Trinity Forum.
Michael Wear
Wear is the founder of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, a nonpartisan, nonprofit institution based in the nation’s capital with the mission to contend for the credibility of Christian resources in public life, for the public good. Wear believes that the kind of people we are has much to do with the kind of politics we will have. He advances that mission through two complementary streams of work which need and rely on one another. Public Imagination: explaining Christianity to the public, and advancing Christian resources for the good of the public. Christian Civic Formation: growing, supporting, convening, and representing the community of Christians who are convinced of the centrality of spiritual formation for civic renewal.
He is author of The Spirit of our Politics. With his wife, Melissa, he co-hosts a faith, politics, and news podcast called Wear We Are