Gahanna Historic Sign

Scrip & Scrippage

On this page you may find some of our own thoughts and words, our “scrip and scrippage.” If you would like to respond to or share your ideas about anything we’ve written, please use the form on the Contact page. You may also use the Contact form to inquire about our availability for speaking, mentoring, or conversation.

banner photo credit: Greg Wilson. Used with permission

“Scrip and Scrippage” comes from Touchstone, the jester in Shakespeare’s As You Like It (III.ii), and refers to whatever writing (poems, songs, clever retorts) a clown may conjure.

Touchstone was brilliantly played by Bill Moose, Steve’s long-time mentor, father, and friend. Steve hopes in this small way to honor him.

Let us make an honourable retreat;
though not with bag and baggage,
yet with scrip and scrippage.

Touchstone, As You Like It
photo credit: Unusual Films. Used with permission

Copyright © 2024 Grace Unscripted