Category: Uncategorized

  • Land of My Sojourn

    Mike Cosper Marvin Olasky reviews Mike Cosper’s memoir, Land of My Sojourn, which takes a hard look at the intersection of modern evangelicalism and politics MC: “Highly visible leaders in the large church I’d grown up respecting became bootlicking pundits, contorting both their spines and the Scriptures to provide apologetic to support their naked embrace…

  • Waiting for the Light

    by Philip Yancey Philip Yancey reflects on the account of Pastor Hanns Lilje, a prisoner in Buchenwald prison camp:  “On that memorable Christmas Eve of 1944, in a moment of ‘sentimental softness’ the SS commandant removed the chains of a violinist awaiting execution and allowed him to play in the large vaulted hall of the…

  • Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

    When Hamas launched its terrorist assault on Israel on October 07, I was asked to write a statement to our local Jewish communities on behalf of Ithaca pastors and Christian leaders. My Jewish next-door neighbors graciously reviewed it and helped me understand how what I had drafted might be received and heard. I’m grateful for…

  • When You Have Been Hurt by the Church

    This Fall NLPC pastor, Tim LeCroy, preached a sermon series on “hard questions.” He asked me to preach on church hurts as an installment in that series. Many people have left the Church and may even have thought about giving up on God as a result of how they have been treated by the Church. …

  • Subversive Spirituality

    Excerpts from Subversive Spirituality by Eugene Peterson We do not progress in the Christian life by becoming more competent, more knowledgeable, more virtuous, or more energetic. We do not advance in the Christian life by acquiring expertise. Each day, and many times each day, we return to Square One: God Said. We are constantly being…

  • Abbot Mena Walks with Jesus

    A print of this 8th century Coptic icon hangs on the wall beside my desk…

  • How to Inhabit Time

    Some excerpts from How to Inhabit Time, by James K.A. Smith