We’re booked! Departure from the US to Capetown is scheduled for September 12; return, for October 04. We’ve been invited to serve students at the Univ of Stellenbosh and the community of Christ Church in Stellenbosch. We’ve also been asked to offer some leadership mentoring. NLPC and Cornell alum, Erick Strauss, chair of the chemistry department at the Univ of Stellenbosch, is working out the details, Because of Sheryl’s surgery and recovery, we had to push back the original trip dates. Other NLPC alums have done graduate internships in Capetown, and we have reached out to the pastors and churches that cared for them — it would be a delight to meet them and thank them in person for caring for these folks who are dear to us.

Please be in prayer for our preparations and planning.
Our initial budget projections have had to be revised. Airfares have increased, and tickets are more expensive flying out of Albuquerque (Steve will begin serving an interim pastoral assignment there beginning August 01). We are grateful that we have received sufficient support to cover the tickets ($4,800), but that increase cuts into the funds available for in-country transportation, some lodging,and other travel expenses. Please prayerfully consider helping to make this ministry opportunity possible. Giving options are detailed on our website support page. You may use the Contact Form to ask questions.
We’ll continue to update you further as details get confirmed.